Weekly you should check forms and upload new business listings on site –
- Once a week go to Forms | Free and Paid Listings | Export as a CSV
- Remove ones you’ve already uploaded on site and remove any duplicates
- Tidy up listings - you'll need to check out the phone field and sections fields also note you won't be uploading fields such as email and website if they are free listings (you should see this from your template colour coding)
- Then open your spreadsheet “Business Listings Upload Template” from your online Support manual
- Copy and paste over all yellow required fields and fill in those you don’t have in the submitted forms (mostly this will be for SEO)
- SAVE as a CSV
- Go to WP Engine | All Import
- Upload your CSV file
- Business | Map the fields
- Import
- Go and check each listing is uploaded
- Go to contact CRM and report with template
- Add new listings to Sales Funnel with a note for follow up after 1 month