If you have a lot of businesses you will first you need to export businesses -
If you will be inserting a new template into each page you can just change the Oxygen | Templates | Reusable part and then you will need to go to each of your pages you'll be inserting this and add as a reusable part and fill in your fields with your custom fields
To fill in the fields you'll do this in the left column - set data and select the field when your cursor is in the right spot you want to put the data
If you are just updating a template it may be easier to just change it in each page in which case (you can only do this if there isn't a huge amount of data being sucked into this page) -
If it is a page that perhaps has a lot of eg business listings on you will need to export all your listings first but if it doesn't have a lot on the page you can amend it directly