We currently have 5 Facebook pages (and a couple of groups but not listed in this procedure, they would have the same principles) we want to grow and be actively sharing across the regions. These are -
The programme from 28 February 2024 is -
Hibiscus Coast exceptions -
Share paying client posts if appropriate to our Linku2 Hibiscus Coast page and then on-share the post on the Linku2 page, don't share directly from their post on their page as we want to drive people to our page.
Each week totals will be added and payment made accordingly as per the below payment schedule -
Up to a maximum weekly total pay of $55.00.
Time allocation: The above should take in the region of 2 hours to 2 hours 20 mins per week and charge allocations =
Page growth has a KPI of min 20 new Likes/Followers per week.
For Hibiscus Coast region (and a few shares can be posted in North Shore depending on the client reach) share 75% of the time paying client posts across the region. The sheets will give you a list of paying clients so you know who are the most relevant posts to share.
To share client posts go to the client FB link under the client details sheet and select your post from their page and share. Then note link and info in sheets.
Note: Each fortnight a review will be made of increase in Likes/Followers. If KPI's are not being reached a review of the above processes and KPI's will be undertaken.
Social media management will be paid at $25 ph for up to 3 hours per week - up to 3 hours or $75 pw.
If management cannot be done in this time period please advise Manager who will monitor for the balance of the week or negotiate extra time allocation.
CLICK HERE to go to the sharing Step by Step Guide