Adding a new FREE business listing
If you come across a business to add on site or a business completes the FREE registration form this is the process to approve and finalise upload. A business will have completed the Free Registration Form or you can for any new businesses you want to add at this link which is found under the Plans REGISTRATION.
- Complete the form and submit
This will do a number of things including -
- Sending an email notification to your site email that a form has been submitted that needs approval
- Adding a new business for finalisation and publishing (inc ticking the FREE plan and the selected Features boxes)
- Adding a new contact to the CRM database (or updating if there is a current contact)
You need to -
- First open the submission email (so you can check against this)
- If it's genuine (even if a business already on site) you APPROVE (and if already on site you can not publish the new biz listing)
- If it's NOT genuine you can reject and they will get the reject message emailed to them
- Eitherway clicking the button will open the form screen
- If it's been a DECLINE you can go to "Change Status to" in right column and Trash
- At intervals you should then go to all Trashed | Redirect to home directory page | Then clear Trash
- If APPROVED first make a note of the Features they think are relevant
- Then click on their CRM profile lower down in right column and add their Feature tags (eg Home Sweet Home) and Section tags (eg Babies)
- Just quickly check details, particularly the email is correct
Note: If you need to contact the person in any way you can just click on the email address and select Chrome option.
Then go to Businesses
- Open the new business listing (in pending)
- Check details (you might need to change around suburb and remove from address)
- Add tag free_listing and relevant Feature tags in right column
- Tick FREE Membership box
- Add schema if you know
- Add address in map location box
- Add keywords, meta data, social (only if you feel appropriate)
- Check briefly on site that the listings appear and look OK
Then go back to CRM -
- Contacts (your new listing will probably be at the top unless they are already listed, if not search and open)
- Add Tags for their Sections and Features
- Briefly check details are correct | UPDATE CONTACT
- EMAILS | Send Template email "NEW Business Listing confirmation 2024"
(note if you want to add free listings in bulk complete the "Bulk Business Listings Upload FREE Excel Template" in Google Drive and submit to Support Office (cost $1 per listing - the whole procedure below will be completed for you) -