Procedures for Closing and Updating at the end of a school holiday period
These actions will take approx 6 hours
First get your school holiday stats - you will add these to your spreadsheet you set up at the start of the holidays.
Collate All Stats
Open your holidays spreadsheet and go to the Stats tab
Go to Facebook -
Go to each of the Facebook pages which would have advertised any school holiday posts and for each there are a number of ways you may need to get stats.
CLICK HERE to check out current options but don't spend a lot of time fiddling if these aren't working as it seems to change every few months (!!). If you're finding it frustrating, it may seem long winded but isn't too bad, just do it manually by -
- Being in the profile of the page
- Scrolling through posts
- Clicking on the stats/insights link and
- Manually put stats in your spreadsheet
Then -
Go to Analytics -
Under top content box go to “Analytics” source in bottom right –
- Put in your dates to check
- Check general stats inc total web page hits and page views and perhaps average session time
- Get stats for client pages
- Get stats for Regions and relevant active district pages
Back to Analytics tab
Search Console box | open Search Console option bottom left
- See full stats in Search Console to get impressions and click through rates
- Get stats for client pages and maybe keywords
- Get stats for Regions and active district pages
Check Newsletter open and click rates -
- Go to Contact CRM | Automations for users these holidays (might have 2-3 Automations, eg Auckland Users, Waikato Users, non-Active Regions)
- View Reports (top right)
- Check all is on track and your email won’t go out for at least a day (check this just by clicking the arrowhead to the left of a contact name)
Then at top go to Emails Analytics -
- Check Opening and Click stats for newsletters and note in spreadsheet
- Once you’ve done this for all active Automations for this holidays work out the percentages, eg add up all the percentages then divide by the number of newsletters you’ve taken these from (eg 2 newsletters in each Automation and 3 x Automations = 6 so divide by 6) will give you your average open and click through rates
- Put stats in main stats page
Check Prize Draw Entries -
- Go to Forms and check how many giveaway entries
- Add stat into your stats sheet
Upload Stats to Latest Stats page and in Automations
Once you have all your stats go to -
Pages | Latest Stats
Upload all the latest stats and remember to change the dates at the top of the page
Then go to Contact CRM | Automations
- Upload stats into all Automations going to Activity Providers (Active regions and Non-Active regions)
Report to Clients
Go to -
- Contact CRM | Sort by Clients
- Report to each client individually with a personalised email with their stats, etc using email template "CLIENT CLOSING REPORT - At end of holidays"
Then -
Go to Businesses -
- Search on the client tag (do this by clicking on the tag) and
- Return membership status to "Free", remove "client" tag and add tag "previous client"
Tip: Add the tag "client" to the very first business listed when you open the Businesses tab (regardless of who they are) as this will make it easier to search for the full client list (as it doesn't save it each time you open a business) - Remember to take the client tag out of that business once you've finished)!!
Go to sliders -
- Each active Region both sponsor and side ads sliders
- Publish any unpublished generic images
- Unpublish all client adverts
- Update
Remember to check the slider on the giveaways page is also unscheduled
Giveaway Procedure
- Go to Forms draw entries
- Edit | Export (top right) | Excel
- Enable editing | Delete columns for “Entry ID” and “Entry Status”
- SAVE all into your holiday spreadsheet under Giveaways tab
- Make sure all entries numbered
- Go to Google “random number generator”
- Generate winner Nos and note in spreadsheet position and prize won - highlight
- Copy all prize winners and add at top (just for ease of reference)
- Add columns for "Date Emailed" "Address" and "Date sent"
- Send Google Email Template “School Holidays Winner congratulations” email to each stating their prize and asking for their address
- Note sent date in column and note you'll add other info here as it comes in
- Make sure the prize entries database contacts are uploaded into Contact CRM
- They should be automatically uploaded when entering (and if a new contact) into NEW Site User List so check first by just searching on the NEW Site User List if there are some there just leave for now (you'll move these over in the Archiving process). If they are not you will need to do the following -
- Tick all new contacts who've signed up over the holidays. You can identify these as they will firstly be at the top and they will only be listed in their region tags
- Add custom new tag just for this
- Then copy the html content of one of your congratulation emails to Users and paste in a new campaign
- Send campaign to the custom tag
- Then keep this list showing and mark those for each area and add the pending tag for that region - eg all those signed up new from Auckland, tick and add to tag "Users Auckland Pending"
- Once you've added all to the appropriate tags (active or non-active regions) then remove the custom tag from these Users and delete it
- As prize winner responses come in put details and addresses in spreadsheet
- Sort prizes and send
Once done the above procedure around sorting giveaway prizes then -
Update Giveaways page for next holidays
Go to -
- Forms | Duplicate last holiday prize entry form
- Rename (top left)
- Settings and Integrations
- Under Form Scheduling put in submission start and end dates (starting 9 am and ending 11.30 pm) (approx. 5 weeks before start of holidays to last Sunday of holidays)
- SAVE settings
- No other changes needed
- Get shortcode by clicking on it at top right of page
- SAVE Form and exit
Go to Pages | Giveaways
- Before changing if you have any donated prizes you need to report on take a snap dump picture of the online Giveaway page as the below will update it and you want evidence to report.
- Replace old form shortcode with new one (this will change online wording from is closed to not started yet)
- Check month is correct in sentence below re dates of opening for next holidays
- Change month details in left column
- Remove any info/images re additional prizes you may have had | Update
Go to Giveaway Congratulations page -
- Update with latest details on prize winners | SAVE
Go to top level menus -
- Under Appearance | Menus
- Swap out link from Giveaways page to Giveaway Congratulations page
Update User Automations
Go to -
- Contact CRM | Automations
- Add winner list (can copy and paste from Congratulations page) into all User Automations active for these holidays (eg will be a Non-Active regions automation and the one each for any active Regions, eg Auckland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty, etc)
- You can do this quickly and easily but updating one automation then -
- Go to the raw html tab of the email
- Copy the content you want
- Put the email back to the original tab
- Save
- Then go to your next automation
- Go to the raw html tag and find where you want to paste the content, copy the content to be overwritten
- Paste
- Go back to the original tab just to check this has all copied over fine (you might find you might still need to delete a few of the old lines so be aware)
- Save
Change Facebook images
Then go to your Facebook page and group (if you have one) and change the banner to generic between holidays.
Add/Check Tasks for next holidays
Add a task for a day or two after your Automations should have finished, eg in a week to follow the Archiving School Holidays procedure going to this link -
Go to your Google calendar and check you have 2 x Tasks set up ready for next holidays as follows -
- 7 weeks before holidays start on the Thursday - to seek prize sponsors for holidays
- 5 weeks before holidays start on the Thursday - to trigger your school holidays "Internal Email Automation" and add a link to this procedure for first actions for holidays -
- Go to Linku2 page Upload Dates and take out old dates so all ready when set up next holidays (once this gets down to 2 holiday periods (April 2024) update and add another year's worth of dates)
Print off Checklist and tick off all items
Click the button below and print off your checklist. Make sure you've completed all items