When your calendar Task comes up on 25 October -

Go to backend Contact CRM | Contacts - Check all Contacts you want to send information about A Gift from Santa to (select categories, eg Things to Do, restaurants, cafes, shopping categories) and add "A Gift from Santa" tag

Set up a spreadsheet for this Feature - you’ll use this to record all stats and other important info - also you’ll use this to collate a final report at the end

Send out first email to contacts

Check Automation - update - make notes here

•             Set up and Insightly Project just for this particular Feature

•             Set up an Insightly tag for participants just for this Feature

•             Set up your initial emails as follows -

o             First to relevant Feature clients and past participant Leads (eg those who have advertised in this Feature before)

o             Schedule for 24 hours later to all other Leads

•             Then for 24 hours after second email schedule in a FB post to all local businesses and schedule in a newsletter to local business contacts

•             Check the Activity Set has a Task set for 7 days later for follow ups

In the meantime, as each advertiser responds -

•             Change spot allocated in on site Feature page to a booked spot image with the client name listed

•             Check if they are an Insightly Lead or Contact - if a Contact just add in specific project tag and note Feature. If a Lead convert to a Contact with relevant advertising dates and add the specific project tag

•             Add Client tag in Insightly

•             Add a link to the Contact in the Project

•             Add new contact details into project spreadsheet

•             Create an advert in Canva (if doing design) - 500 px wide x 350 px high

•             Send to client for approval and check and to get their description if specific

•             Note to follow up in say 3 days

Once got client approval -

•             Replace the booked image on site with their new image and description

•             Schedule a minimum 1st post into Hootsuite

•             Add an Insightly Task for 10 days after Feature start date to check on track with their promotions

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