School Holiday Giveaway Process

(If you do not have the skills , logins or want to do the following processes please advise Support Office who will arrange for this to be done for you for $30)

  • Go to WP Fluent Forms Pro draw entries
  • Edit | Export (top right) | Excel
  • Enable editing | Delete columns for “Entry ID” and “Entry Status”
  • SAVE into the specific holiday folder
  • Make sure all entries numbered
  • Go to Google “random number generator”
  • Generate winner Nos and note in spreadsheet position and prize won
  • Copy all prize winners and put in a second spreadsheet (in same file just for ease of sorting)
  • Send Google Email Template “School Holidays Winner congratulations” email to each stating their prize and asking for their address
  • Make sure the prize entries database contacts are uploaded into Fluent CRM
  • They should be automatically uploaded so check first but if not …
  • When uploading to Fluent CRM you’ll need to separate names into two columns - do this as follows -
    • Right click the column to the right of the cell you want to split
    • Insert 3 x blank columns (for 2 names but sometimes people list 3) - if you don’t you’ll lose your emails from the adjoining column
    • Highlight the cells you want to split
    • Go to Data menu, select Text to Columns
    • Select Delimited, Next
    • Pick what separates the words (probably a space)
    • Check the Data Preview screen, Next, Finish
  • Tidy up and save as CSV UTF-8 for import to Fluent CRM - need First Name | Last Name | Email | Region
  • As responses come in put details and addresses in spreadsheet
  • Sort prizes and send

Once done the above procedure around sorting giveaway prizes then -

Open school holidays in Word Press -

  • Fluent Forms Pro | Duplicate last holiday prize entry form
  • Rename (top left)
  • Settings and Integrations
  • Under Form Scheduling put in submission start and end dates (starting 9 am and ending 6 pm) (approx. 5 weeks before start of holidays to last Sunday of holidays)
  • SAVE settings
  • No other changes needed
  • Get shortcode by clicking on it at top right of page under Editor
  • SAVE Form and exit

Go to Pages | Giveaways | Edit with Oxygen

  • Before changing if you have any donated prizes you need to report on take a snap dump picture of the online Giveaway page as the below will update it.
  • Structure | Last Div | Replace old form shortcode with new one (this will change online wording from is closed to not started yet)
  • Check month is correct in sentence below re dates of opening for next holidays
  • Change month details in left column
  • Remove any info/images re additional prizes you may have had | SAVE

Go to Giveaway Congratulations page -

  • Update with latest details on prize winners | SAVE

Go to top level menus -

  • Under Appearance | Menus
  • Swap out link from Giveaways page to Giveaway Congratulations page
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